Does your business have hazardous waste? If so, we can help!
Paints, thinners and solvents are just a few of the hazardous materials that will be accepted at FREE business-only collection event on April 27th from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at The Dalles Disposal (pre-registration required).
From Tri-County Hazardous Waste & Recycling:
Does your business have hazardous waste? If so, we can help!
The Tri-County Hazardous Waste and Recycling Program will be holding a FREE business only collection event on April 27th from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at The Dalles Disposal (pre-registration required).
If you are a small business located in Hood River, Wasco, or Sherman County, here’s what you need to know about attending our small business only event!
Your business qualifies as a very small quantity generator (VSQG) if in every calendar month you:
Generate 2.2lbs or less of acute hazardous waste
Generate 220lbs or less of hazardous waste
Generate 220lbs or less of a spill cleanup with debris containing hazardous waste
Never had onsite more than 2,200lbs of hazardous wastes
You may be asking, what items are considered hazardous waste and what can be brought to this upcoming event? Here is a small break down of some of the items we accept!
Chemicals of all kinds
Paints, thinners and solvents
Acids and bases
Silver, mercury, lead and other heavy metals
Ignitable wastes and toxic preservatives
If you are interested and would like to attend on April 27th, your business must pre-register at least one week in advance. Please make sure to include pictures of any drums, barrels or IBC’s that you are bringing as they must be in perfect condition with no dents, rust or leaks. You will be asked to list all items on your application for our vendor to approve. Please make sure to bring a copy of your application with you to your scheduled drop-off time. You can register online at
We are so excited to be getting out and helping our community. This event is one of 20 FREE events each year helping households, small businesses, and agricultural producers get rid of their hazardous waste in Hood River, Wasco, and Sherman Counties. Each year our program collects over 200,000 pounds of hazardous waste which is roughly 4 pounds per person that lives in our Tri-County area. After each event, the hazardous waste is transported to our contractor’s facility in Washougal, Washington where it then advances to its final processing or disposal location with most of those locations being here in the Northwest. Approximately 75% of what is collected at our events is recycled, while the other 25% is incinerated. From paint to pesticides, and everything in between, there is means of disposal for the hazardous waste we collect.
We want to thank everyone who takes part in these events, without you we couldn’t do what we do with the program! Thank you for helping us help you continue to keep hazardous waste out of our communities.