Larch Creek Fire Evacuations Update, July 16 at 6 p.m.
Although residences in Pine Hollow have been lowered to Level 2, recreation on the reservoir remains closed because of continued operations and weather. We will reassess the morning of Wednesday, July 17, 2024. Fire crews are still in the area.
Larch Creek Fire Evacuation Update, July 12, 11:08 a.m.
LEVEL 3 - GO NOW: from Friend Rd in the north down to Rock Creek Dam Rd/Wamic Market Rd. in the south. Tygh Valley Rd. and the White River in the south to Hulse Rd. in the north. Threemile Rd from the west to the Deschutes River on the east.
Larch Creek Fire Evacuation Update, July 11, 4 p.m.
Level 3 - GO NOW evacuation from Wamic & Pine Hollow. Wy'East Middle School (3000 Wy'East Rd) in Hood River is the designated shelter for people. The Hood River Fairgrounds (3020 Wy'East Rd) is still a shelter for livestock. Leave without delay. It is unsafe to stay and threatens the safety of you, your family, and emergency responders. Your life could be in great danger. Emergency services personnel may not be available to help you if you choose to stay.