How to Beat the Election Deniers: VOTE

To the Editor,
Camo-clad men carrying guns to intimidate voters (but wearing masks like cowards to hide their own identity); candidates shamelessly proclaiming that the only outcome they’ll accept is a victory for themselves (regardless of the will of the voters); and the 2020 presidential loser is still pretending he won two years later (using the Big Lie to scam his supporters out of more than a hundred million bucks).

 Are these just ugly national politics that don’t affect us here in the Gorge?  Unfortunately, it seems, we have election deniers and disruptors at work here, too.

 As CCC reported on Wednesday, a lawsuit was filed last week to stop the ballot-counting process in Wasco County, in the middle of an election. I expect this suit will be dismissed for lack of merit like so many others have been. But maybe winning isn’t really the point.    

 The suit is one of many cookie-cutter lawsuits being filed across the country, with encouragement from the likes of Steve Bannon, fraudster, anarchist, pardonee, and soon-to-be jailbird.  As Bannon himself has admitted on his talk show, the goal is simply to sow enough doubt and create enough chaos that Americans will lose faith in our elections. It’s a diabolical and desperate strategy from a dwindling Republican minority: falsely claim that elections are insecure and then do everything you can to make your falsehood come true.

 If you don’t like these tactics, there is one very simple thing you can do.  You can VOTE by Tuesday, November 8th. Take time to learn about the candidates and choose those with integrity, who respect the rule of law and promote facts, candidates who are running to serve us rather than themselves or their political party. Vote for the kind of candidate who will say no when a loser demands, “I just need you to find me 11,000 more votes.” Then, turn your ballot in (and remind your friends and family to do the same) at the nearest official dropbox before 8 pm on election day or mail it before the Post Office closes (but make sure it gets postmarked by Nov. 8th).

 Voting wisely now will help protect our right to vote in the future. Please don’t take it for granted.

- Debi Ferrer


Thank you for your thorough and exciting piece on the purchase of the former Chronicle Building


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